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Here are some guidelines on extending certain common functionalities of the package.

Installing Locally

pip install . --force-reinstall

--force-reinstall is only needed if you've previously downloaded VerifyML with pip.

Model Card Templates

We use Jinja templates to create the HTML needed to display Model Cards. For details on how to create you own templates, refer to the templates' README.

If you've created new templates and would like them to be included as part of the official package output directory when scaffold_assets() is called, update the _UI_TEMPLATES variable in

    ...,    # your new template name

Model Tests

If the provided model tests are insufficient, you can easily create your own by extending the ModelTest abstract base class.

When creating a subclass from ModelTest, there are a few requirements for the test to render properly on a Model Card:

  1. It must have a run() method. The method should do these things:
  2. Run your test and save the results into self.result
  3. Update self.passed, a boolean indicating if the test result passes your defined condition
  4. If plots are to be displayed, the subclass also needs a method (e.g. plot()) that stores them in self.plots as base64-encoded strings
  5. The subclass should have test_name and test_desc attributes, which will be used as headers for the test in the Model Card

Refer to the Model Test DEVELOPMENT.ipynb notebook to see a toy example of how this can be done.

Model Card Protobuf Schema

The protobuf schema is located here, and is used to convert model card data saved in protobuf format to and from a Python-usable format. If there is a need to modify it, it is recommended to add new protobuf fields instead of overwriting existing ones, to preserve backward compatibility.

To use it, you need to first install bazel.

After that, run this from the verifyml folder:

bazel run //model_card_toolkit:move_generated_files

This will read the protobuf schema and create a file that can be imported and used in Python.

For example, this is what the schema looks like for defining model owners:

// model_card.proto

// The information about owners of a model.
// The next tag number is 4.
message Owner {
  // The name of the model owner.
  optional string name = 1;

  // The contact information for the model owner or owners.
  optional string contact = 2;

  // The role of the person e.g. developer, owner, auditor.
  optional string role = 3;

Running the bazel command will create a file that contains this information. A corresponding Python class can use the definition like this:

import dataclasses

from .base_model_card_field import BaseModelCardField
from .proto import model_card_pb2

class Owner(BaseModelCardField):
    name: Optional[str] = None
    contact: Optional[str] = None
    role: Optional[str] = None

    _proto_type: dataclasses.InitVar[type(model_card_pb2.Owner)] = model_card_pb2.Owner

Protobuf to JSON Schema

The protobuf schema can be converted into a JSON schema with this command:

bash model_card_toolkit/proto/

Publishing to PyPI

  • Set version number and configs in setup.cfg
pip install --upgrade setuptools build twine

# build package files
python -m build

# upload to pypi
python -m twine upload --repository [pypi/testpypi] dist/*